Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Karla Violeta Pillado Albarán Author-Name: Felipe Carlos Viesca González Author-Name: Alejandro Tonatiuh Romero Contreras Author-Name: Lilia Zizumbo Villareal Title: Ijuí, Brasil: Sociedad, Economía e Identidad Abstract: Resumen: Ijuí es una población surgida a finales del siglo XIX en los márgenes de la Cuenca del Río Ijuí, la planeación de su fundación así como su desarrollo económico y sociocultural fueron determinados por las políticas de expansión imperialista en el Nuevo Mundo. La región fue poblada por migrantes de diferentes etnias europeas que huían de los problemas bélicos o que buscaban oportunidades de enriquecimiento en nuevas tierras; Ijuí fue la primera colonia oficial de las llamadas Colonias Nuevas de Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. El ambiente de la región fue totalmente transformado por los nuevos habitantes, ya que para habitarla debieron clarear la mata atlántica característica; en este proceso se conjuntaron diversos modos de vida, costumbres y tradiciones de los pueblos migrantes que finalmente dieron origen a una nueva identidad cultural. Cada migrante trajo consigo los modos de producción que practicaba en su lugar de origen, lo que permitió que el desarrollo en la región tuviera avances significativos a partir de la creación de diversas industrias que fueron alimentadas principalmente por la fuerza hídrica y electricidad que se obtenía de los afluentes del río Ijuí. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar el desarrollo socioeconómico de Ijuí a partir del aprovechamiento de la cuenca hídrica, identificar cómo los nuevos pobladores se apropiaron del lugar y lo modificaron para su provecho, y cómo surgió, con el paso del tiempo, una identidad cultural propia, la del gaúcho, como resultado de la integración de diferentes etnias en un paisaje nuevo La base del análisis toma como referencia la teoría metodológica de la Geografía Cultural. Abstract:This document is an analysis of economic and sociocultural development of Ijuí, community of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil under doctrine of Geography Cultural. Ijuíis localized in de basin of same name northwest of RS. In the XVI century arrived theJesuits missioners who organized the natives in small villages that got be important economical centers of mate herb and cattle settled this area firstly. In 1759the Portugal Minister declared a law ejected the Jesuits of his territories and the land remained free of settlers. Then with the independence, Brazil opened the commercial success with sugar cane plantations, coffee and the gold ore extraction. The slave covered the labor required for these activities, after slave abolition the Brazilian Government invited and made laws in favor of immigrants to come to Brazil to work in a salaried system that was influenced by the European capitalism in expansion. To maintain sugar cane and coffee plantations as the gold ore extraction, were created agricultural and cattle poles in environmentally strategic areas, in this way IRB was settled by Germans ethnics. The Ijuícolonization began with the official founding of the Colony Ijuí on October 19, 1890, where installed a hundred families and by Decree n° 1814, on January 31, 1912, was established as an autonomous municipality. The colonization settled Russians and Polands with German roots, in 1981 arrived Italians and Swedishs; with the First World War arrived Germans, Lithuanians, Austrians, in 1895 Arabians. The socioeconomic function was determined by their knowledge of land use and their lifestyles, identified by habits (dances, rites, foods, clothes, linguistic dialects, religion, etc). The region was developed through settler’s work that drove it as a commercial and industrial empire, the experience of immigrants in industry work and organization favored the rapid economic development of the region. The settlers knew little or nothing riograndense climate, but created economies based in local crops such as yerba mate, the use of land for farming of cereals and vegetables, livestock, mainly pigs exploitation of natural resources such as power generators, and the river to produce electricity and give rise to other industries. Environmental, economic and social development in the IRB depended on capitalist development model adopted by Brazil to ensure an economically prosperous society. The natural areas became cities in intensive fields, grazing areas and industrial complexes, and consumption is not encouraged conservation. The economy prospered thanks to environmental management as an energy source to operate it and the production of goods for consumption and trade. Emerged a new cultural identity following the convergence of different ethnicities in the same space, the most deeply rooted traditions of that combination persist to this day, others were created over time to strengthen the sense of belonging in the region. Now at days Ijuí are exploited for agriculture, are reminiscent of the natural flora in the bank and there is a highly developed industrial complexes in urban areas. By the high cultural level the region is known as the "land of diverse cultures" by the prevailing number of ethnicities and express their cultural traits. Ijuí represents migration policy of colonial Brazil, in a small land gaúcha converge a variety of races and nationalities that reflect a new Brazilian identity. Despite the ethnic, groups stay in touch as part of territorial ownership and its economic and cultural development. Classification-JEL: R1 Keywords: ambiente lacustre, System Lake, colonización brasileña, Ijuí, Desarrollo económico, gaúcho, Identidad cultural, Brazilian colonization, Economic development, Cultural identity Pages: 15-38 Volume: 2 Year: 2015 File-URL: http://www.revistaestudiosregionales.com/documentos/articulos/pdf-articulo-2468.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:rer:articu:v:2:y:2015:p:15-38